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中美资本控股集团其前身是一家创建于1973年并一直活跃于北美市场的私人投资公司。在北美市场曾投资数家私人和公众公司并取得良好业绩。近年来,因关注中国的飞速发展而于2004年更名。2005年,公司全面进入大中华地区开展业务,主要关注和服务于中国的中小型民营企业的发展。<br> 集团总部位于美国洛杉矶,亚太区营运中心位于香港。集团现有资产逾10亿美元。<br> 中美资本控股集团是一家集风险投资、财务顾问、投融资策划、企业重组、ipo咨询及直接投资的综合投资服务机构,公司在美国纽约、洛杉矶、香港、北京、上海、深圳拥有全资子公司或办事处。<br> 中美资本控股集团致力于把高速增长的中国经济和美国雄厚的资本市场相结合,以专业的投资银行服务,为中国优秀企业搭建通向美国资本市场的桥梁。<br><br>established in 1973, former as the private investment company flourished in north america market and with the excellent achievements in investing several private and public companies china us capital holding group limited was renamed in 2004, since entering into great china in 2005, the company dedicates on providing the services for china small and medium size private enterprises.<br><br>china us capital holding group limited which the head office locates in los angeles,the asia pacific business center locates in hong kong with the capitals over usd one billion.<br><br>it is a professional financial service institute dedicates on the business of venture capital, financial consulting, investment and capital planning, company reorganization, ipo consulting and direct investment etc. the offices were distributed in new york, los angeles, hong kong and china <br><br>china us capital holding group limited commits to strengthen the integration between fast-growing china enterprises and us capital market.